Teacher-Focused ACT Trainings
Our Teacher-Focused ACT Trainings will:
Link ACT assessment with classroom instruction…
Help students improve their test performance…
Put Carolyn Devane’s years of experience with the ACT to work for your teachers!
Carolyn will train your faculty and provide them with insights into the test and how to prepare students on a daily basis in the classroom.
Teachers will learn:
How to integrate ACT test preparation into class time as a part of the ongoing learning goals.
How to develop problem-solving, decision-making, and evaluative thinking skills for the ACT.
How to implement a variety of instructional activities that encourage the kind of thinking processes and strategies the ACT requires.
How to help students analyze test questions and score ranges and develop test question rationales.
The cost of a three-hour faculty training session is $975.
Math and Science teachers can be trained in one three-hour session.
English and Social Science teachers can also be trained in one three-hour session for the English & Reading tests.
This price includes training materials provided by Carolyn Devane.
The price includes travel costs to any location within a two-hour radius of Manhattan, Kansas. Fee will be adjusted for additional travel and/or for larger faculties or school districts with multiple high schools.
Carolyn will custom-design a professional development session for your teachers based on the needs of your individual high school or district. Please contact Carolyn for more details.
Multiple faculty workshops are priced on a case-by-case basis. Faculty training workshops are available primarily in Kansas. Training workshops outside Kansas are available with additional travel costs.
Contact Info:
Contact Carolyn at 785-341-1363 or carolyn@powerprepinc.com to schedule or to request more information.