ACT Prep, ACT Private Tutoring, ACT Teacher Training
How can we help?
Would you like to improve your ACT scores?
Be eligible for more scholarship dollars?
Increase your chances at your college of choice?
…then Power Prep’s classes are for you!
Are your students developing the necessary skills that the ACT requires?
What can educators do to prepare students before they take the ACT?
Power Prep’s faculty training is for your teachers!
Our Mission
We provide both students and teachers with resources and insight into the kind of thinking that the ACT requires and practical strategies for improving performance. We help students develop the problem-solving, decision-making, and evaluative skills required for maximized ACT scores. We make the invisible visible when it comes to the ACT!
Improve your score by 5 points.
Our ACT Test Prep classes include practical and relevant information on how to increase your ACT score. We teach you how to control the test, rather than let the test control you. Because the ACT is highly predictable, it is susceptible to test-smart strategies. We teach what will be on the test and how to master test-taking techniques.
About Carolyn Devane
Carolyn Devane taught ACT classes to students for 13 years in two large high schools in Kansas: Mill Valley High School and Manhattan High School. After witnessing the significant improvements and positive results of her students, Carolyn started offering her courses to students in other high schools in 2009. Since that time, PowerPrep's classes have grown from being offered in just 2 high schools to offerings in not only many Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma high schools, but also on college and university campuses in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Nebraska. In Kansas, her ACT classes are offered on Wichita State, Kansas State, and the University of Kansas campuses to high school students.
Carolyn has 25 total years of ACT test-taking instruction experience with thousands of students. She also has 13 years' experience as a high school counselor and 6 years' experience as a high school English teacher, teaching College Now English, Senior English, Junior English, and Public Speaking. Her test-taking strategy classes provide students with practical test-taking strategies and insights into test questions and content with amazing student results.
In 2011, Carolyn began offering professional development to high school teachers. She provides teachers with resources and training to equip them to prepare all students each day in the classroom for the kind of thinking the ACT requires. Carolyn’s training is dynamic and insightful with information schools need to help students develop the problem-solving, decision making, and evaluative thinking skills the ACT requires.